Two Guys Talkin'
"Just two people talking about life, business, and the things that make our Very Interesting People tick."
Bill Davis
Founder, Two guys talkin' podcast
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Topics Covered by the Two guys talkin' Podcast
We learn about each other. We talk. We share life experiences. Rather than talking about our differences (we talk about them, too), we talk about our commonalities.
Success is individual. While some may consider "making $x" as "success," others may define it differently. Our VIPs tell us: What is success to you and how will you know when you achieve it?
We learn about our VIP (Very Interesting People) in terms of their business or career. What are they doing? How did they get where they are now? Where do they want to go?
What makes you tick?
What makes you want to wake up in the morning and seize the day? Why do you do what you do?
Let's face it: We are a political people. Politics matters. How our government treats its people is important and makes a difference in everybody's lives.
Every day Stuff
Things that make you go, "Hmmm." Life hacks. Recipes. Morning routines. Productivity. Marriage. Relationships. Sex.
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My Awesome Podcast Audience says:
This is a brand-new podcast. I don't have any reviews. But when I have some, I'll be sure to replace the fake ones below with actual real reviews. Okay?
OH MAN! That show you had on with Megan was amazing. She's really awesome! How the hell do you find such interesting people, Bill?
Anna Smith
Hoo boy! That interview you had with the real estate guy was incredible! He's the most energetic man I've ever seen!
Paul Simmons
Business analyst
I love all your shows. They're great! Thanks for doing them and I hope to keep listening to all your VIPs!
Julia Moore
Tell Me More about the "two guys talkin'" Podcast
I'm not Joe Rogan. (Thank God for small miracles! I kid. Mostly.)
While I cannot begrudge the dude for building the biggest podcast on the planet, and I think he's a good MMA commentator, I'm not a big fan.
But Joe Rogan is great at being Joe Rogan.
I'm here to be me. And my Very Interesting People (VIPs) are here to be themselves.
We will be having casual and hopefully very interesting conversations that will inspire, entertain, and inform.
If you watch & Listen, you may:
Be inspired.
Be entertained.
Learn a few things.
Collect 20 "Attaboys" or "Attagirls". YMMV.
Be personally thanked by me (worth at least $10 in Monopoly money).
About Bill Davis
I try to be a good human. I am a son, husband, and father.
I have run several businesses and have also worked at several (unsuccessful) start-ups as well as some Fortune 500 companies.
I know a thing or two about a thing or two.
But most of all, I like learning about my VIPs and what makes them tick.
I am thrilled to start the "Two Guys Talkin' Podcast." It's been something I've been contemplating for a few years.
Now seems to be a great time to start. Why? Why not.